Just 10 to 30 Minutes Exercise a Day Keeps Old Age Away

Posted on March 15, 2008. Filed under: Fitness, health |

stay young stay strongResearchers at the American Heart Associations Conference on Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism have stated that the outcomes of a huge study conducted on Post Menopausal Women and physical activity are conclusive. Women who exercise reap rewards that are far greater than feeling a little fitter, even the ones who were only physically active for 10 minutes per day. The ladies who exercised for 30 minutes a day had even greater returns for their time.

The many areas of life which were improved for these ladies were:

  • general health
  • vitality
  • social functioning
  • mental health
  • less limitations in movement, at work and at home
  • improved physical functioning
  • less emotional ups and downs
  • some improvement in pain levels

These doctors advise you to start walking every day, even if it is just a little bit to begin with, the study was conducted with mainly sedentary women, so if they can do it, you can.

Physical activity has proven to provide better health, better balance, better quality of life, stronger bones and more confidence. One way to beat the clock, stay young by staying strong.

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